Ingredient In Tomorrow, Turmoil, Weightless Therapeutic Properties antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, restorative, tonic Affinity For |
| digestive problems | immune function | liver and gallbladder meridians | respiratory problems | lymphatic system | solar plexus chakra | Resonance | Plant Family | Part Utilized Processed | physical, mental, emotional | Rutaceae | fruit | Aromatic Considerations Lime has a beautiful, fresh, and refreshing fragrance. It is a favorite among essential oils for diffusing. Application Lime is a delightful addition to baths, body lotions, and deodorants. Emotional/Spiritual Aspects Lime essential oil is a perfect choice for the very weary—those who are so weary of trials and troubles that they feel far older than their years on earth would indicate. The lively fragrance of lime is stimulating and refreshing. It can help one overcome exhaustion, depression, apathy, and listlessness. Lime is a good oil for improving memory and concentration. Physical Aspects Lime essential oil is said to soothe broken capillaries, stimulate the muscles around the eyes, brighten a pale, dull complexion by removing dead skin cells, and is capable of tightening skin and connective tissue. Lime is a good oil for digestive difficulties, particularly gallstones and gallbladder inflammation. This oil is recommended for liver deficiencies and liver cleansing in infants and children. Lime stimulates the immune system to increase production of leukocytes that aid in fighting infections. Lime oil is also used to stabilize blood pressure fluctuations. General Information Lime oil works extremely well in removing gum, wood stain, oil, and grease spots from clothing. Cautions Lime essential oil is photo-toxic. Avoid sunlight or UV radiation on skin where lime has been applied.
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