Ingredient In
Discernment, Letting Go, Wisdom
Therapeutic Properties
antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, decongestant, relaxant
Affinity For |
nerves | respiratory system | lymphatic system |
skin | sinus cavities |
Resonance | Plant Family | Part Utilized Processed |
physical, emotional | Coniferae/ | needles, twigs |
| Cupressaceae |
| (sub of conifer) |
Aromatic Considerations
The aroma of hinoki wood is reminiscent of cedar, but is milder and much less woodsy, with a delightful hint of lemon. Hinoki is excellent in lighter, more floral blends because it does not add an overpowering cedar tone. Hinoki is a wonderful way to relax and unwind at the end of the day. Taking a relaxing bath in hinoki wood essential oil provides a quiet, serene form of energy that carries through the rest of the evening. Hinoki oil can be used to carve out a soothing and relaxing moment anywhere in your busy life.
In Japan, where this tree grows, there is nothing more important than the relaxing bath upon returning home in the evening. It is considered a time of emotional growth and purification. Hinoki is the prized wood used for building temples, shrines, and structures that will be used in daily bathing rituals.
Physical/Emotional/Spiritual Aspects
The hinoki tree, while resistant to rot and bacteria, has never adapted very well to polluted urban environments. Hinoki is a ‘pure’ wood. It absorbs, isolates, and then removes poisons from its system. Hinoki is a product of fresh mountain water and air. These growing conditions are reflected in the aroma and energy of the essential oil. Hinoki oil effectively creates a wonderful sensation of peace and relaxation when applied or diffused.
Physical Aspects
Hinoki essential oil contains an abundance of fruitiness. This constituent, when found in plants, enables them to eliminate harmful living things, such as bacteria, toxins, and pollutants, from within themselves and from their surroundings. Hinoki has grown in Asia for centuries and is naturally resistant to insect infestation and decay. The essence distilled from this wood is well known for its ability to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungus. Hinoki essential oil is used to increase immune function, and automatically, to improve the quality of the environment around us. Hinoki essential oil has a decongestant effect on the respiratory and lymphatic systems. It is particularly effective for relieving congestion in sinus cavities. Essential oils from evergreen trees have a tendency to cause skin irritation. Hinoki essential oil is an exception. It is gentle on the skin, making it very useful in the healing of rashes, cuts, abrasions, and minor injuries.
General Information
Hinoki wood is so valued in Japan that, by law, the essential oil can only be extracted from trees that have fallen or already died.
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